Junwei Du, Ph.D. (都军伟)

Email: jwdu@ucdavis.edu

Mailing Address:

    Biomedical Engineering

    451 East Health Science Drive

    University of California, Davis

    One Shields Avenue

    Davis, CA 95616


    Tupper Hall, Room 1311A

    University of California, Davis 

    Phone: (530) 752-5475

My Linkedin

My Google Scholar Citations. 

My projects: https://h2rs-pet.ucdavis.edu/


             Dissertation title: Study of high spatial resolution PET detector modules using neural network-based position estimators 

             Dissertation title: Performance analysis of ADC using a histogram based testing method

Professional Experience

Research Interest 

My research focuses on developing high-resolution and high-sensitivity Positron Emission Tomography (H2RS-PET) for biomedical imaging. The research involves new PET systems and PET detector modules design, developing readout electronics for PET detector modules and scanners, and new position algorithm, et al.